Over the last two years, NNSWLHD and the North Coast Primary Health Network via their Integrated Care partnership, have been running a Shared Care Planning tool project with support from eHealth NSW and the NSW Ministry of Health.
The ‘proof of concept’ project led by Tim Marsh, Integrated Care, NNSWLHD had a set timeframe of 2 years to test the Shared Care Planning model of care, which is a priority for the Commonwealth and NSW Health.
The project was also tasked with evaluating the system from the vendor, Orion Health, for eHealth NSW as a potential statewide tool.
The project has successfully completed and with official funding ceasing on June 30 2019, the project will end.
Practices who trialled the system over the project include:
- Lennox Head Medical Centre
- Jullums Aborignal Medical Service (AMS)
- Southern Cross University Health Clinic
- Bullinah AMS, Bulgarr Ngaru AMS
- Alstonville Clinic
- Healthwise Medical Centre
- Bugalwena AMS
- Goonellabah Medical Centre
- Queen St Medical Centre
- King St Medical Centre
- Cornerstone Medical Centre.
“We would like to thank all the GPs and LHD clinicians who were involved in the design, improvements and use of the system. Thanks also go to the LHD managers who made their staff available for this innovative and important project.” Tim said.
“Also, a special thanks to the Project Steering Committee including: Vicki Rose (Chair), Director of Integrated Care and Allied Health Services, NNSWLHD; Sharyn White, Director of Integration Northern, NCPHN; Dr Chris Mitchell, GP, Lennox Head MC and NCPHN clinical representative; Catriona Wilson, Integrated Care Manager, NNSWLHD and eHealth NSW representatives.”
The team will provide a comprehensive evaluation package to eHealth NSW and the NSW Ministry of Health (MOH). This will help inform the strategic direction of Shared Care Planning in NSW and Australia.
The evaluation will also inform the LHD on future approaches to introducing digital solutions. This will support better connection between the LHD and General Practice, now, and in the future.
The LHD and NCPHN are recognised across the state as being at the forefront of innovation in the integrated care space and will continue to work together to attract new opportunities from eHealth NSW, MOH and the Australian Digital Health Agency.
Projects underway for NNSW Integrated Care include an electronic referrals (eReferrals) trial and the Service Registration Assistant (SRA).
The SRA is a joint Commonwealth pilot project with the Australian Digital Health Agency (ADHA) and eHealth NSW to make it easier for GPs to update a range of services about GPs at their practice and their practice. The LHD focus will be about improving it’s GP Address Book in order to help improve Discharge Summary delivery rates.