This year’s NAIDOC theme celebrated the essential role that women have played – and continue to play – as active and significant role models at the community, local, state and national levels.
Under the theme – Because of Her, We Can! – NAIDOC Week 2018 was held nationally from Sunday 8 July and continue through to Sunday 15 July.
Lismore Showground was a hive of activity on Thursday 5 July when a group of NNSWLHD staff participated in NAIDOC celebrations.
Amongst the various health service stalls was the Chronic Care Bus which was a one-stop-shop for community members offering a complete health assessment and if needed appropriate service referral. The community and hospital staff worked together, providing health checks including blood glucose levels, family history, weight, height, cholesterol and blood pressure.
Over 100 members of the local community including school children walked through the bus with 31 total health checks completed. Feedbcak indicated it was a welcomed service and showcased integrated care in action.