On 4 May 2017 Catriona Wilson, Integrated Care Manager attended the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement (ICHOM) Australasion Forum in Sydney. Focussing on value-based health care and restructuring health systems to achieve real value for patients, this forum is led by the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement (ICHOM) alongside partners HCF and Ramsay Health Care.
ICHOM is a small non-profit organization founded by individuals from three esteemed institutions: Harvard University’s Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness, The Boston Consulting Group and The Karolinska Institutet. ICHOM’s purpose is to transform health care systems worldwide by measuring and reporting patient outcomes in a standardized way.
This one-day forum provided a passionate case for shifting to a more transparent, value-based approach to health service delivery, payment and policy. National and International leaders in this field presented on the theory and practical applications of this approach along with their reflections about what concrete steps we can take to make this happen.
Christina Rångemark Åkerman President, ICHOM invited participants to join the inaugral Australasion forum which was designed to spark conversation and encourage collaboration, featuring overarching plenaries from international experts and breakout sessions highlighting local perspectives and initiatives.
On the Agenda:
Implementation: Putting Outcomes Measurement into PracticeTechnology and Infrastructure: Enabling Outcomes Measurement – See Breakout Presenters
For a direct download of all available presentations, please click here, or copy and paste the following URL into your internet browser: https://ichom.box.com/shared/static/wjqazol9sqpcylf5mfxjn0xov6nde0rx.zip