Leading Better Value Care (LBVC) – Diabetes
Of the 8 LBVC initiatives, 2 are Diabetes focused. These 2 projects are Inpatient Management of Diabetes Mellitus and High Risk Foot Service.
Inpatient Management of Diabetes Mellitus
- Support continuous improvement in inpatient care – audits/ KPI’s
- Implementing evidence based care particularly around insulin prescription in the inpatient unit
- Looking at the continuum of care
- Capability of general staff in care of these patients – education requirements
- Timely and adequate access to diabetes management teams – telehealth/ specialist teams
- Procedures for safe and effective transfer of care across settings – ?criteria led discharge
- Standardised identification and screening of patients on presentation
High Risk Foot Service
- Standards for High Risk Foot Services in NSW (ACI 2014)
- Multidisciplinary team approach
- Clinical Leadership and coordination
- Administrative support
- Evidence based treatment guidelines
- Continuity of care
- Prompt access for urgent cases and access to on-site services
- Appropriate equipment/ wound care products
- Recoding and monitoring of clinical outcomes
- We don’t have a model of care yet – we need to develop it
- Aboriginal Health Workers
To enhance these projects the Northern NSW Local Health District (NNSWLHD) has approved funding for additional staff. Chief Executive for NNSWLHD, Wayne Jones has endorsed an additional 11.59FTE across LHD for Diabetes.
What will this additional 11.59FTE look like?
Allied Health Resources
Diabetes Resources
For more information contact LBVC Diabetes Initiatves Lead, Michelle Culhane at michelle.culhane@ncahs.health.nsw.gov.au