The Integrated Care “Who is Your GP?” campaign continues to support all clinicians to understand and advocate that a person’s health team includes a regular GP.
When a person partners with their GP they have greater opportunity to understand and take charge of their physical and mental health.
The “My GP” business card is designed to “action” the decision making of a finding a regular GP and assist the accuracy of GP details when accessing healthcare anywhere and provide details on others in the care team.

The card was originally introduced as part of the campaign promotion to be distributed by hospital clinicians but Sandy O’Brien, Integrated Care for Mental Health/Drug & Alcohol has found that many GP practices are keen to provide the card to their patients with the practice details stamped on the front. Practices are seeing the importance of this work and working collaboratively with the NSNWLHD in promoting this.
The card has also been welcomed by NNSWLHD Emergency Departments to improve the recording of correct GP details for patients on arrival.