Sick Day Action Plans
A new HealthPathways page has been created which contains Actions Plans. The plans can be downloaded and are available for use in Best Practice,
Medical Director, Genie and pdf. format.
Have a look on the Home page under Public Health Alerts to see what
is already available!
New Look Non-localised HealthPathways
Non-localised pathways now have a new background and a cautionary banner at the top of the page, with explanatory text (click the '+' to expand) which identifies that they are not yet localised for our region.
In the table of contents, localised and non-localised pathways display in different colours.
Note: These non-localised pathways may contain useful condition management information. However, please use your judgement as to the appropriateness of this information in your region.
Osteoarthritis Chronic Care and Chronic Care HealthPathways
The Osteoarthritis Chronic Care HealthPathway has been updated and includes new service
information about the Specialised Osteoarthritis Screening Clinic (SOS) at Tweed Heads.
The Chronic Care Service page is new, check it out!
To view Mid and North Coast HealthPathways localised for our region visit Mid and North Coast HealthPathways Website by following this link: manc.healthpathways.org.au
Username: manchealth - Password: conn3ct3d