Accesing HealthPathways on your LHD PC
Did you know that there are number of ways that Health Professionals can access HealthPathways?

- Electronic Medical Record (EMR). Simply click on the NNSW Clinical Links and get direct access to HealthPathways
- Desktop Icon – A blue and green ‘H’ Icon is located on desktops located within LHD sites. Simply click on the icon and get direct access to HealthPathways.
- CIAP – HealthPathways can be accessed from the Local Health District Intranet. Go to Work Support Centre, click open Clinical Tools, click open CIAP, then click on the ‘Diseases and Conditions’ section to access.
- Or to access the website via any PC or Smart Device, enter the following address and login:
To learn how to use HealthPathways click on this link:
or type/paste https://manc.healthpathways.org.au/72344.htm into your browser.
Via the site you can send Feedback by simply clicking the ‘Send Feedback’ button
located at the top right of the page.

Carers stress and carer support HealtPathways
The HealthPathways team and the Carers Program recently published the Carer Stress and Carer Support HealthPathways. The pathways were promoted LHD wide on the 15th February 2019. Since being published, according to Google Analytics, the pathways have been accessed over 150 times by users.
The pathways were developed to assist clinicians with assessment tools and links to support family/friend carers.
Family/friend carers are at a higher risk of health problems than the general population and are often an important part of the care team. Carers can be vulnerable to ‘Caregiver burnout’ which is a state of physical, emotional and mental exhaustion and often experience fatigue, stress, anxiety and depression. Carer health and wellbeing may also have a flow on effect for your patients. By recognising and responding to Carer Stress, General Practitioners and health clinicians can play an important role in preserving the care arrangement.
The pathways provide best practice assessment and management guidelines that are designed to help health practitioners to support the wellbeing of family/friend carers. There are links to assessment tools and to the Carers Gateway, an on-line portal for carers to link with supports in their local area.
The pathways include a comprehensive list of patient referral and support services and a link which direct the user to the Health Pathways Carer Support pages. Each service listed on this page provides referral options, service description and contact details.
The patient information section links to a pdf which contains Carer Support Services and telephone numbers which can be printed by the General Practitioner and given to the carer during consultation.
For any information about HealthPathways, please don’t hesitate to contact Kerrie Keyte on 07 5589 0512 or email kkeyte@ncphn.org.au