Sandy O’Brien, Integrated Care, Mental Health/Drug & Alcohol and Sarah Mogler, Chronic Disease Management Service were invited to present at the 4th International Health Care Reform Conference in Sydney, 21 – 23 March 2018. The conference is entitled “Moving Care from Hospital to Community: navigating the bumps” and hosted international speakers:
- Robin Osborn, The Commonwealth Fund, USA
- Dr Nick Goodwin, International Foundation for Integrated Care, UK
- Prof Judith Smith, University of Birmingham, UK
- Prof Les Toop, Pegasus Primary Health Organisation,
- University of Otago, Christchurch, NZ
- Dr Bob Phillips, American Board of Family Medicine, USA
- A/Prof Phui-Nah Chong, National Health Care Group Polyclinics, Singapore
- Prof Trish Greenhalgh, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
The initiative Sandy and Sarah presented was Integrated Care for Vulnerable Communities which aims to identify and explore opportunities to build the capacity of Fred’s Place homeless service. Local LHD clinicians and an onsite is a GP clinic work collaboratively to tackle the health needs of this vulnerable community. There is a focus on safe transfer of care, supported engagement and harm reduction.