Ken Lee has recently become available to work in a service enablement capacity with Northern NSW Integrated Care. He brings with him a background in social science and over 20 years of experience with the organisation in a clinical capacity and in program management.
When asked about his philosophy on community integration Ken had the following to say:
“Imagine that you are looking forward to buying a new car. A mechanic, unknown to you, proceeds to buy the car with your money and on your behalf. Despite their good intention based on their industry experience, the likelihood of that car meeting your personal preferences would be very slim. While the car might be mechanically robust, it would be a fluke if it ticked all of your boxes and driving needs. In Health, we have a responsibility to the community to develop our health services in unison so that they are attractive, practical and suit the needs of individuals.”
Ken currently facilitates two programs to enable consumer input into projects and service development activities. He is keen to hear from you about your projects and consumer integration needs. Ken can be contacted on 02 6639 9116 and 0400 882 837 or via email at ken.lee@ncahs.health.nsw.gov.au.