- Chronic Heart failure Ballina – The process mapping workshop has been completed. Patient/ carer interviews being under way to feedback into that workshop.
- Chronic Heart failure Grafton/ Maclean – The process Mapping workshop has been completed and Solution Design workshop scheduled.
- Osteoarthritis Chronic Care Program Richmond – The process mapping workshop was held to begin mapping a view of the ideal service and what is required to make it happen utilising current resources/ systems.
- Measurement and Evaluation Framework workshop – ACI to hold a meeting locally with Exec/ Site managers and Project Leads around targeted issues/ queries around reporting mechanisms.
- Osteoporotic Refracture Prevention Richmond – The process mapping workshop was held in Lismore with both good attendance and engagement by participants. Issues raised were around poor referrals between services, not understanding what each other did, great deal of admin work being completed by clinicians and ‘wastage’ in the system regarding sourcing results/ follow-up of pts that should be easily resolved within the solutions workshop. The Solutions Workshop has been scheduled.
- Management of Diabetes Mellitus – The recent Lismore audit is complete at including a feedback session facilitated by ACI. New Diabetes positions have been advertised.
- Renal Supportive Care Tweed – LBVC Leads met with Nephrologists and Renal NUM to plan a workshop in early November. A meeting has been requested to overview the model with Lismore Renal Supportive Care team and Chronic Kidney Disease Nurse Practitioner.