Feedback has been received from the “My Aching Joints” event held at Twin Towns in Tweed Heads on Thursday 15 June. As reported by Gloria Vittor, Event Coordination Officer, North Coast Primary Health Network (NCPHN), of the 45 invited attendees, 42 attended on the day, 10 from General Practice. Of the attendees 65% were evaluated.
The high attendance numbers and positive feedback suggests this event fulfilled a clinical need. Clear learning outcomes were developed and were entirely met by over 80% of participants.
“My Aching Joints’ was a collaborative effort between the NCPHN, Northern NSW Local Health District, (NNSWLHD) and also involved HealthPathways.
In the spirit of Integrated Care this event was multidisciplinary involving GP’s, Dieticians, Physiotherapists, Nurses, Chiropractors and the Panel also consisted of various health disciplines resulting in all attendees being able to participate and contribute.
Overview of Feedback
The majority of participants rated this workshop as being either ‘excellent’ or ‘good’ with only 1 participant rating it as ‘ok’. Over 88% of participants indicated that their leaning outcomes had been entirely met for 4/5 of the learning outcomes. The only outcome with a slightly less percentage was “Utilise Health pathways as a resource for appropriate management of the osteoarthritic hip or knee”, however no participant indicated that any of the outcomes had not been met.
The workshop was deemed to be entirely relevant by the majority of participants.
A large number of participants indicated that they would make changes to their practice as a result of attending the workshop. Numerous comments included the following: “will now refer to SOS clinic” “feel more confident on educating my patients about non-surgical options” “Use GPMP and TCA for weight loss and fitness goals” “better understanding of surgical intervention indications”.
Comments given regarding the overall workshop included: “Great informative session” “Great venue and food. Good speakers” “well done to all” “Clear concise informative presentations. Great Insight into a number of health professional’s managements of OA.”
There was very little negative feedback given, however it was suggested that having a radiographer or radiologist present as well as having a patient present would have been beneficial.
Well done to Mr Luke Schultz, The Joint Approach Project Manager and Dr Brett Lynam, Clinical Advisor and GP for organising what was apparently a successful event.
To view Luke Schultz’s presentation from the day Click Here