The NDIS Local Area Coordination (LACs) Service provided by Social Futures (formally known as the Northern Rivers Social Development Council) launched in Northern NSW on Monday the 3rd of April and is now active throughout the district. The Local Area Coordinators will play a key role in preparing the community for the start of the NDIS in our district which is set for the 1st of July 2017.
The LACs will provide the interface between the community and the NDIS and will be an important service for anyone seeking access to the NDIS. LACs have three key roles:
1. They will link people to the NDIS by way of;
- Supporting people to access the NDIS
- Creating participants NDIS plans
- Supporting people to implement their plans
- Reviewing NDIS plans
2. Link people to information and support in the community, and
3. Work with their local community to make sure it is more welcoming and inclusive for people with disability.
The LAC Service can be accessed by calling 1800 522 679. In the lead up to the NDIS the LACs are very keen to begin working with people with complex support needs particularly people whose support in the current disability system may be falling short. NNSWLHD staff are encouraged to put people who require access to the NDIS in contact with their LACs.
If you require any more information, please do not hesitate to contact the Service on the number listed above.