The Nurse Network Meetings continue across the region with recent sessions being held in Alstonville and Kingscliff. The Nurse Educator for Integrated Care – Melanie Franz and North Coach Primary Health Network’s Clinical Nurse Adviser Karri Crossing collaborated to deliver the May Nurse Network Meetings which focused on the topic of Wound Management.
Supported by LHD executive, Bronwyn Browne, Nursing Unit Manager at Casino Community Health was chosen as the LHD specialist to present on this eagerly-anticipated Topic. Bronwyn has been a Nurse Educator and was recently awarded as Runner Up in the Clinical Practice Improvement category for the Northern NSW Quality Awards, and has a wealth of experience in managing wounds in the community. .
Bronwyn used engaging clinical examples across GP and Community Nursing to cover the topic of Wounds management which was chosen as an educational priority by, Practice Nurses and Residential Aged Care facility (RACF) and LHD Staff, making this a great integrated care opportunity.
The total 113 attendees were evenly spread across the 2 sessions with 95% of participants agreeing or strongly agreeing that all the learning objectives were met. Feedback was overwhelmingly positive at both venues.
The aim of these Nurse Networking educational sessions is to acknowledge the integral role Nurses play in the health of the community, and by supporting them to build their professional capacity and further their knowledge better patient outcomes are achieved.
These sessions provide a true integrated link between Community Health and Practice Nurses/RACF staff including referrals – feedback suggests this.