In the lead up to Winter the LHD has been sharing patient data with local GPs to support the Winter Strategy for 2019.
The data contains information on admissions for patients whose GPs are enrolled in the Winter Strategy. The information was shared by the LHD via a new secure file sharing tool developed by eHealth NSW.
The purpose of the initiative is to assist GPs in identifying their Winter cohort and registering those whom are perceived to be vulnerable over Winter.
The LHD created accounts for enrolled GP practices and sent them notifications once patient data was available.
Practices nominated Winter Strategy Managers within their practices and these Managers were given access to the data.
Tim Marsh, IT Project Lead for Integrated Care hopes that sharing information with GPs in this efficient and secure manner will not only help GPs easily identify at risk patients over Winter, but also nurture the culture of collaboration in our region.
“The way the LHD and Primary Care sectors work together to better integrate care is through continuous improvement. This method of securely sharing the information, and the type of information we share, only builds upon that, to the betterment of patient care in our region,” said Tim.