Did you know that in one year a person will spend just 3-4 hours with health professionals and more than 8000 hours managing their own health?
To celebrate Health Literacy month in October, a series of free community workshops were held to support people to take charge of their health in between doctors’ visits. A number of health professionals attended the workshops to provide service information, have a chat and answer people’s questions in a relaxed setting. The workshops were a great success, with people telling us,
“I was blown away by how much I didn’t know about what services are available”
“I would use the Health Direct phone line in future to have my questions answered by a registered nurse”
“I didn’t know about the free Get Healthy healthy lifestyle coaching service”
More than 50 community members from Casino to Tweed Heads attended the workshops, and learned about:
- Tips and tricks to stay on top of your health
- Chronic disease management and Action Plans
- My Health Record
- Advance Care Planning
- Get Healthy – a free healthy lifestyle coaching phone service.
More workshops are planned for early 2018. If you are interested in holding a workshop in your community, please contact Taya.Prescott@ncahs.health.nsw.gov.au