The Transfer of Care Referral Supplement is a form located in eMR2 which allows ease of documentation, enhancing safe electronic handover to all of our LHD facilities (this does not exist in FirstNet, therefore only applicable for inpatient discharges or transfers).
This new form creates the ability for all Health professionals to attach information to the Medical Discharge Summary which is sent electronically to the patients’ GP.
Jennifer Sharpe, Richmond Network eMR Trainer and Di Goldie, Safe Transfer of Care Project Lead have been providing education across Richmond District Hospitals in 30-minute training sessions. Di Goldie extends “Many thanks to the departments that have established internal training with educators and “champions” within their units” and invites any staff to contact her for more information.
Further education will be rolled out in the Clarence and Tweed/Byron Valleys before end of year and will continue into 2018 thanks to the support of the eMR training team.
Di’s details:
Di Goldie – Project Officer eMR and Safe Transfer of Care Project Lismore NSW 2480
Mobile 0437 647 082 | |di.goldie@ncahs.health.nsw.gov.au