Northern NSW Local Health District is committed to delivering outcomes and experiences that matter to patients and the community
Add new GP or Private Provider
Orion Service Provider - Add New User
Use this form to request a new user to be added to Orion for organisations already in Orion. For entirely new organisations,
use this form
and for LHD staff members
use this form
What organisation is this user for
Bugalwena GP
Bulgarr Ngaru MAC
Bullinah AMS
Goonellabah Medical Centre
Healthwise MC
King St MC
Lennox Head MC
Queen St MC
The Yellow Gate
Private Allied Health or Specialist
For entirely new organisations,
use this form
and for LHD staff members
use this form
List of users to be added to Orion: doctors, clinicians, practice nurses and practice managers. Click (+) end of row to add more.
Title (Mr, Mrs, Ms, Prof, Dr, or leave blank)
First name
Last name
Email (please make sure this is correct!)
Designation (e.g. Physio)
If you have any questions about this, contact Orion Project Lead Tim Marsh (NNSW LHD) on or 02 6620 0829.
Terms and Conditions
I/we accept the
terms and conditions
(on behalf of the user you're requesting access for if doing so)
Add all to the mailing list
You acknowledge that this user has agreed to be added to the user mailing list.