On Wednesday August 30th, Integrated Care hosted an all-day Orion workshop.
The Northern NSW team comprising a local GP, LHD clinician and LHD project team met with 7 Orion people from Melbourne, Sydney and Auckland.
The focus of the day was making Orion easier to use, and improving clinical safety and quality.
We focussed on:
– Building the capability to let GPs upload an existing care plan from their system to Orion
– Fixing the current issues with medications
– Allowing GPs to upload procedures to Orion
– Some small technical and user experience improvements
Our priority for rolling out these fixes is as follows:
- Medications
- Procedures
- Upload
- Everything else
Orion have provided some rough timelines on these issues, and we hope to have some more definite dates soon.
After these things are finished, we will re-engage with GPs to “relaunch” Orion.
If you have any questions about the Orion project, contact Tim Marsh on 02 6620 0829 or from here (https://integratedcare.nnswlhd.health.nsw.gov.au/orion/help/).