Merry Christmas from Integrated Care
As we approach the end of another busy year, what better time to reflect on achievements across the district?
In March Integrated Care initiatives were showcased to key stakeholders from State, Ministry, Agency and local levels. Receiving glowing feedback, the great work we have been doing across the district was highlighted and presented by each initiatives project lead/s.
2018 will be a year of embedding and building on the works carried out this year. Some of the areas of focus this year included:
- Orion Shared Care Plannig Tool (Proof of Concept)
- Admission and Discharge Notifications Version 2
- eReferrals
- eMR, Safe Transfer of Care
- End of Life Care / Palliative Care
- Bereavment Support & Resourcing
- Fitness for Joint Replacement Surgery
- MyOA program
- Dementia Health Literacy
- Chronic Disease Management
- Winter Strategy
- Consumer experience engagement
- Shared Decision making
- Clarence Integrated Care
- Leading Better Value Care
- Integrated Care - Mental Health/Drug & Alcohol
- Hospital in the Home
- GP & RACF nurse education
- Transformers event series
We expect that 2018 will maintain the steady momentum of 2017 and bring with it opportunities to engage with services and consumers across private and public sectors as we strive towards improving care provision to patients who need the right care in the right place at the right time.

Best wishes to you for the holiday period.